Saturday, December 3, 2011

Status symbols

A status symbol is a physical denotation of someone's social standing. It's usually some form of luxury good that the lower classes can's afford. But, as  read in the article that was issued to us in class earlier, luxury items are no longer considered and effective method of social distinction. Why? Well everything has become so easy for the middle class to obtain! You can find plenty of great deals and discounts that make obtaining these luxury goods much more easier. If that's the case then how can the rich distinguish themselves from the poor? The article we read mentions that services are now considered to be exclusive to the wealthy, and can understand that. I mean, the average person does't have a personal chef, or maid. Why pay bother paying for something you can't afford, especially if you could just do it yourself? Only rich people have the type of money to waste on such services just  so they can't stoop to such "menial" labor.  Plus, you couldn't really get a discount  or use a coupon to pay a butler. Personal services are something the middle and lower class can never afford. At least anytime soon... Or most likely just never. Yeah, never.