Saturday, December 3, 2011

Status symbols

A status symbol is a physical denotation of someone's social standing. It's usually some form of luxury good that the lower classes can's afford. But, as  read in the article that was issued to us in class earlier, luxury items are no longer considered and effective method of social distinction. Why? Well everything has become so easy for the middle class to obtain! You can find plenty of great deals and discounts that make obtaining these luxury goods much more easier. If that's the case then how can the rich distinguish themselves from the poor? The article we read mentions that services are now considered to be exclusive to the wealthy, and can understand that. I mean, the average person does't have a personal chef, or maid. Why pay bother paying for something you can't afford, especially if you could just do it yourself? Only rich people have the type of money to waste on such services just  so they can't stoop to such "menial" labor.  Plus, you couldn't really get a discount  or use a coupon to pay a butler. Personal services are something the middle and lower class can never afford. At least anytime soon... Or most likely just never. Yeah, never.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

PRESSURE! Pushing down on me~!

     Teens definitely face a lot of pressure these days. Whether its form their parents or peers, a teen feels obligated to do whatever they need in order to please or fit in.

      For instance, a teen may feel lie they need to do drugs or whatever in order to seem  "cool" in front of friends. Peer pressure may be one of the most horrible things that can ruin a kid. One person does something and the next thing you know, a whole flock of kids are blindly following them  off the edge of that cliff. It doesn't matter if it conflicts with their morals, or would make their parents disappointed. Most teens would do anything just to please their friends and feel accepted fro that one moment. One moment and one bad decision that could impact their life forever.

       Parents also cause a lot of stress for their kids.  Personally, I'm more familiar with this. I feel that I have to get good grades... or else. Why exactly? Well, my mom would disown me if I didn't! I honestly wouldn't care so much about school at all if it weren't for my parents pushing me to do well. It's the thought of disappointing them that makes me afraid of getting bad grades, but more importantly what they'd do to me if I didn't.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Cheer up emo kid! You can now use the move "cut" outside of battle!!

So.. uh yeah! I'm working on my research project with Tajin and Maliya and our topic involves the effects of the media on teen depresion. With super beautiful people flashing thier "perfection" here and there it's hard not to compare yourself to them. The definition of "beauty" projected by the media presents perfect, skinny women or muscular men. From this society conforms and holds these images as the absolute definition of of attractiveness. As teenagers, it is extremely easy to conform to these norms and when a kid doesn't fit these standard they may be put down by either themselves or others. But, not all feel depressed when they don't fit in. The emo subculture acknowledges society's disdain for their behavior and instead embrace it. Even hipsters purposefully strive to de site from society.

However, teen depression still exists and is a growing problem. Girls who feel "ugly" and/or "fat" by soceity's standards hurt themselves and heave chunks from their stomachs after every meal. A Boy who is too "feminine" might even comit suicide to escape to constant torture from his peers. Who tells them that they don't fit in? Who encourages their oppressors? The media of course, through it's glamourous portrayal of what life isn't.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Thursday, October 6, 2011


      A cult is a religious group, often considered fanatic or extremist and often lead by an authoritative and charismatic leader.  Cultism is really an unfortunate thing. I believe that the followers should be viewed as victims since they dedicate their lives blindly following a false prophet, risking thier own well being as well as that of their families.

     There was this one incident I remember seeing on TV. It involved a man, Marcus Wesson, who claimed to be the "god" over his entire family. When his wife was 8 years old he convinced her they were meant to be married and we she became old enough to bear children, they began to build a family. He fathered 18 children, including those he had  with his own daughters. They were not allowed to communicate with the outside world and were taught that anyone outside their family was evil and could not be trusted. He molested his own daughters, calling it "loving". Wesson even justified impregnating his own daughters by claiming they needed to bring more children in to the world. The children (and wife) were brainwashed into thinking all of this was okay, and even agreed to a suicide pact if they were ever discovered.  The older kids were in charge of taking the lives of the younger ones before their own.

      In the end, the results the devastating. When two of the women tried to rebel against him, the police got involved. He appeared to be compliant at first, but that was far from the truth. He went back into the house and killed  9 out of 18 children.  The other 9 were lucky to not have been in the house at that time. He was arrested and put on death row. In the program I watched, the survivors were interviewed. How could they follow a man like that? Well, first of all, he was their father. He had complete control over their lives. And how could they know anything was wrong when they were born into this environment? In news footage after the crime took place, you could tell how dedicated they were and backed their father up 100 percent. They saw nothing wrong with his actions and stated that if they had been  there, they would have  gone through with the suicide pact. That was then. Now, the survivors have seen just how wrong things were. They struggle to get past that dark part of their past.

     Cults are really terrible things, but its easy to see why a person can be sucked into one. Its especially easy if the leader is convincing and charismatic. Cult members have been persuaded into the twisted values of the leader who  often claim to be a god or even God's messenger. They often promote a close-knot community, where a person can feel like they belong. This forms a "family" where members display respect for each other and even more reverence towards the leader.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Gender Equality and Inequality

Since a lot of people already did Teen Pregnancy, I'll be a hipster and do Gender Equality and Inequality. Hmph!

As the name implies, this topic is about The differences of equality between males and females. So, of course we're going to have to talk a little bit about feminism! The general opinion about women, until recently, was that they belonged at home, taking care of the children and keeping the household until the father returned form work. (As illustrated in this clip. Is it wrong that I found that funny?)

Anyways, the Feminists saw how women were being treated in society and came to the conclusion that women were systematically labelled as inferior to men and called for equality amongst males and females alike. My sociologist for that project we competed a while ago, Margaret Mead, conducted research that supports the feminisit theory. She studied societies that were considers "primitive" and discovered that gender roles differed greatly among them. I don't remember the exact names of the tribes, but I do recall that in one of them the women were more dominant, and in another the roles of males and females were equal. Her research demonstrates how gender roles are based on cultural influences rather than being a biological issue.

Is all this true? Well,I think so. In my opinion, gender roles are entirely based on the beliefs and opinions of society. If a whole generation was raised to believe that women belong in the kitchen, then they'll enforce those ideals when they get older and teach their children to think the same as well. Basically, it all depends on the need that society needs to fill. During WWI when then men were away at war, it bacem the women's responsibilty to put the food on the table.They deviated from their traditional roles android that women were just as capable as men. So, basically the inequality between genders isn't justified entirely by gender, but by the values of society.